Megazyme 不溶性发色底物Insoluble Chromogenic Substrates

Megazyme 不溶性发色底物Insoluble Chromogenic Substrates

View insoluble chromogenic substrates for the measurement of enzyme activity, biochemical enzyme assays, research and analytical applications.


AZCL-Amylose (fine) 5 grams I-AZAMYF
RedCL-Amylose (fine) 5 grams I-RCLAMYF
AZCL-Arabinan (Debranched) 3 grams I-AZDAR
AZCL-HE-Cellulose 3 grams I-AZCEL
AZCL-HE-Cellulose (fine) 3 grams I-AZCELF
RedCL-HE-Cellulose (fine) 3 grams I-RCLCELF
AZCL-Xyloglucan (Tamarind) 4 grams I-AZXYG
AZCL-Xyloglucan (Tamarind) (fine) 4 grams I-AZXYGF
RedCL-Xyloglucan (Tamarind) (fine) 4 grams I-RCLXYGF
Azo-α-Cellulose 10 grams I-ACELL
Azo-Avicel 10 grams I-AAVIC
AZCL-Barley β-Glucan 3 grams I-AZBGL
AZCL-Barley β-Glucan (fine) 3 grams I-AZBGLF
RedCL-Barley β-Glucan (fine) 3 grams I-RCLBGLF
AZCL-Pachyman 3 grams I-AZPAC
AZCL-Curdlan 3 grams I-AZCUR
AZCL-Curdlan (fine) 3 grams I-AZCURF
RedCL-Curdlan (fine) 3 grams I-RCLCURF
AZCL-Chitosan 4 grams I-AZCHAN
AZCL-Chitosan (fine) 4 grams I-AZCHANF
AZCL-Galactan (Potato) 3 grams I-AZGLP
AZCL-Galactan (Potato) (fine) 3 grams I-AZGLPF
AZCL-Galactomannan (Carob) 3 grams I-AZGMA
AZCL-Galactomannan (Carob) (fine) 3 grams I-AZGMAF
RedCL-Galactomannan (Carob) (fine) 3 grams I-RCLGMAF
AZCL-Casein 4 grams I-AZCAS
AZCL-Collagen 4 grams I-AZCOL
AZCL-Pullulan 3 grams I-AZPUL
AZCL-Pullulan (fine) 3 grams I-AZPULF
RedCL-Pullulan (fine) 3 grams I-RCLPULF
AZCL-Dextran (No. B-512) 3 grams I-AZDEX
AZCL-Dextran (No. B-512) (fine) 3 grams I-AZDEXF
AZCL-Rhamnogalacturonan I 2 grams I-AZRHI
AZCL Xylan (Birchwood) 4 grams I-AZXBW
AZCL-Xylan (Beechwood) 4 grams I-AZXBE
AZCL-Arabinoxylan (Wheat) 3 grams I-AZWAX
AZCL-Arabinoxylan (Wheat) (fine) 3 grams I-AZWAXF
RedCL-Arabinoxylan (Wheat) (fine) 3 grams I-RCLWAXF