Megazyme K-LMALMQ L-Malic Acid Assay Kit (MegaQuant™ Format)

Megazyme K-LMALMQ L-Malic Acid Assay Kit (MegaQuant™ Format)


英文名:L-Malic Acid Assay Kit (MegaQuant? Format)


规格:60 assays per kit.

品       牌: Megazyme

The L-Malic Acid test kit is suitable for the measurement and analysis of L-malic acid in grapes, grape juice and wine using the MegaQuant™ colorimeter (measurement at 505 nm). Suitable for white and red wines at all stages of the winemaking process.

Grape and wine analysis: Oenologists to exploit advanced test kits.

Charnock, S. C. & McCleary, B. V. (2005). Revue des Enology, 117, 1-5.

Read Abstract

It is without doubt that testing plays a pivotal role throughout the whole of the vinification process. To produce the best possIBLe quality wine and to minimise process problems such as “stuck” fermentation or troublesome infections, it is now recognised that if possIBLe testing should begin prior to harvesting of the grapes and continue through to bottling. TrADItional methods of wine analysis are often expensive, time consuming, require either elaborate equipment or specialist expertise and frequently lack accuracy. However, enzymatic bio-analysis enables the accurate measurement of the vast majority of analytes of interest to the wine maker, using just one piece of apparatus, the spectrophotometer (see previous issue No. 116 for a detailed technical review). Grape juice and wine are amenable to enzymatic testing as being liquids they are homogenous, easy to manipulate, and can generally be analysed without any sample preparation.

Simple colourimetric method for the determination of L-Malic
Acid in foodstuffs, beverages and other materials

(L-malate dehydrogenase)
(1) L-Malic acid + NAD+ ↔ oxaloacetate + NADH + H+

(glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase)
(2) Oxaloacetate + L-glutamate → L-aspartate + 2-oxoglutarate

(3) INT + NADH + H+ → NAD+ + INT-formazan

Kit size: 60 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 505 nm
Reaction time: ~ 6 min
Detection limit: 0.25 mg/L
Application examples:
Wine, beer, fruit juices, soft drinks, candies, fruit and vegetables,
bread, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and other materials (e.g. biological
cultures, samples, etc.)
Method recognition: Novel method


Novel product, patented technology

Highly stable reagents (at least three seasons use)

Very competitive price (cost per test)

Spectrophotometer / laboratory / expertise not required

Very simple procedure

Rapid reaction time (~6 min)

Standard included